I really dislike grocery shopping. I don't believe I've ever met someone who really loved it, but I do enjoy it more because I shop at Wal-Mart. I know it's the evil empire. I don't care. It became the evil empire because it's very, very good at what it does...mainly combining auto parts and fresh produce and a million other things you might never expect to see in your neighborhood grocery store. I always buy something I shouldn't when I grocery shop, usually a book or magazine. Those I love to shop for.
A week ago I did my shopping on a Sunday evening which is unusual for me. My usual is Friday evening because "date night" in Saline County can be pretty interesting at the local Wal-Mart. Anyway, I was surprised at how long the lines were. I had too much time to peruse the last minute items and magazines, in the lane I was in and the surrounding lanes. And that's where I found a new magazine, Purpose Driven Connection. I bought the first issue, featuring Rick Warren front and center out of curiosity.
I did a little research to find out that the plan is to produce a quarterly magazine which is centered around the idea of community and there are multimedia resources to support it. This first issue came with a CD and Bible Study, 40 Days of Love, bound in. It's been an interesting read, not because I've learned anything new. Most of the material from Rick Warren is stuff that I've already read through the daily devotional. What is most interesting is the idea that the world is ready for a Christian magazine to be available at the checkout line. Is it? I'm not sure.
This is what Rick Warren says about it:
"There's a flat-out segment of Americans who are unashamed followers of Jesus Christ," Mr. Warren said. "We're not trying to make this a magazine for everybody."
Researching online, I found plenty of listings for the magazine. And it appears that the world is just about as ready for it as it has been for centuries which is to say not at all. The Rick Warren bashing in the comments by readers of the articles is pervasive, mainly on the themes of either money-grubbing or megalomania. And of course, Pastor Rick must have expected as much. I thought it strange that his letter stated so clearly that he makes no money from this magazine, but I understand better. And the megalomania...I was a little uncomfortable with Rick Warren as cover boy, but the inside pages have more to do with a collection of everyday people and other Christian bestsellers. And those bestsellers like Max Lucado and Lee Stroebel are bestsellers for a reason.
The magazine is only so-so to me. There are other Christian publications that I prefer...but they aren't there in the checkout newstand. I'm curious to see how this does.
UPDATE: I changed this a little because the attacks I read weren't in the articles but in comments left by readers. And Straight Talk...I completely agree with your comment. I hope the magazine does very well and I think if anyone can pull it off, it may just be Rick Warren. His book changed how I view life here and I hope the magazine can accomplish great things who can find it on the newstand at Wal-Mart.