To remain in a place.
To continue to be sure or firm; endure.
To dwell or sojourn.
Last week, I certainly didn't spend my time as well as I should have. Most of the time, my brain was more preoccupied with the "Ahhhh!" feeling of beautiful days instead of deep thoughts. While I was at Garvan Woodland Gardens, I had plenty of time to think in quiet, contemplative spots on shady paths. There were very few people to interrupt me. And as I walked, I finally clicked on to pray. And the word that kept coming to me, either from my own head or the Spirit, was "abide." As this is not a word that I use often, I really needed to do a little study.
First, a definition: remain in place, endure. That seems clear enough, right? And what does the Bible say? I did a little research. That's coming up next.