Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why I'll never be president

As I was surfing around, looking for a good video that I never found, I came across all these clips of Rick Warren's interview of Obama and McCain. And I'll say this...I'm not political. But I really wonder about what this accomplished. They might have been different kinds of questions...but they were the same answers that we've heard for other questions. Right? Still, I never want to sit on a stage and be asked about my greatest moral failure. Really.
Of course, neither truly answered the question, but I don't blame them one bit. Imagining the stinging judgement that would come from my moral failures yesterday, never mind my greatest moral failure ever, would have me doing the sidestep as well.

It's hard to imagine a world where a political candidate could confess the truth to the world. I'm thankful that I can confess the truth to my God and know that the failure is wiped away, forgiven, forgotten, remembered no more. By God. On bad days, I still remember the times I've failed. Thank goodness they haven't been caught on tape to be run on 24 hour news.

I don't really want to hear about either man's greatest moral failure. I might be interested on what happened to change him, why that will never happen again. If it's the truty. What I want to hear is the truth...good, bad, or ugly...what's in the heart on the issues of the day. I suspect they're a whole lot alike. And that I won't get what I want.