Yeah, I'd never have guessed it either, but Facebook has turned out to be one of those things that I get talked into that I really enjoy (I believe I have Mundane Jane to thank for that. She gets me into most of these internets obsessions). I've been on Facebook for a while now, but really didn't spend/waste much time there, but now it's moved right up the list of things I have to check. Why? Because now I know some faithful Facebook friends, people who post and comment and write on your wall and send you flair. And it's almost instant. And you can chat with any friend who happens to be online, whether that's a friend from across the street or around the world and whether you talked to them last at lunch or 1991.
Yesterday was my birthday and it was fun to get so many wishes on Facebook. I'm surrounded by great friends now and my family never forgets, so the Facebook friends are an added bonus.
Of course, I understand it's not all happiness and light. There is my looming word game addiction to worry about, but I'll think about that some other time.
(And this is a not-so-secret ploy to add to my Facebook friends. If you'd like to be my virtual friend, look for me! Seriously. And if you can't find me, comment here and I'll find you! Seriously! I'm all about adding the Facebook friends.)