So I posted about the peace that a restful vacation on the lake can bring, and then I met Monday...147 emails, multiple voice mails, meetings, an excruciating mound of books crammed in my in-box, phone calls from family members about "opportunities" that became critical overnight and required my presence...and a flat tire.
A flat tire leads to a call to roadside assistance and a quick visit to put on my
too-low-to-drive-1-mile-to-the-repair-place spare. Stopped to put air in the spare
to drive to the tire shop to find out the flat can't be repaired and
they don't carry that size of tire and finding it in Little Rock will be
difficult. Return to work.
Make phone calls.
Find out that finding that size in Little Rock is not impossible just
very, very expensive. Drive to dealership to have new tires put on convertible because
driving the convertible is required to blow out all the rest of the clutter of the day.
Some days are just Mondays, you know? But even in those days there are good things:
Safety-made it to work at 6:30 Monday morning...before the tire went flat...in the dark...on the side of the road. Convenience-roadside assistance came right away to my work with one phone call and no money from me. I love my insurance.
Slowing down-driving as slowly as I did on that spare, that's a new experience for me. The world looks a little different. And the drivers a little angrier.
Restoration-it's only money, right? I found the tire(s), and everything is fine again. And as I have traded in another car for having a flat tire, it's a symbol of my love and need for this impractical car that I have. Well, maybe not, but it's all OK anyway.
Peace in this world is fleeting, but the good news is that it can be restored. Over and over if needed, but we can get it back.